
The Aberdeen City Youth Employment Activity Plan sets out local opportunities for young people against a 5 stage employability pipeline where stage 1 provision supports young people furthest from learning up to stage 5 which supports young people who are in work.  The plan profiles the range of different partner organisations which have developed provision to support young people in their journey towards securing employment.

Youth unemployment rates in Aberdeen are still amongst the lowest in Scotland. This is despite the current downturn within the oil and gas sector at present but it is expected that there wil be a knock on effect on employment opportunities that are available throughout the sectors across Aberdeen such as Hospitality, Retail and Finance & IT services. Expected growth areas for the city in the next 10 years are expected to be health and socail work, professional and support services and construction.

Organisations in Aberdeen have agreed that all activity which currently supports young people into positive destinations in Aberdeen will be promoted through Aberdeen Guarantees.  Aberdeen Guarantees represents a partnership commitment to provide learning, training and work opportunities to all 14-25 year olds. The brand profiles the collective efforts of the public, private and third sector in assisting and enabling young people to progress towards employment. Opportunities are also promoted through:


The Opportunities for All Team are here to help you on your journey to a positive and sustainged destination, whether that is employment, further/higher education or training.